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You and I left our troubles far behind
troubles far behind
Emilia's party
Saturday, March 28 @ 11:02 pm Erm, Our cello lady-------Miss Emilia Yong requested for posting the pics that v took tat day in the party... Congratz to her cz she has move into a new house!!!!!!!! V ate steamboat there n v ate many of the 海鲜豆腐! Haha! Cz skol sell 40 cents per one! Damn expensive! Many expensive seafood were left because everyone was jz focusing on the cheap cheap fishball, meatball and again! 海鲜豆腐! Haha! N thn miss Emilia has to finish the crabs ar, fish ar and all those expensive things lor~ In conclusion, she was sick for 1 or 2 days.... Poor girl! Haha! Reminder: Next time 3P7 party don't have to buy expensive things cz........ V dunno how 2 enjoy, we oni noe how to eat the cheap things~(this is 3P7!!!!!!) Hehe! Here are the pics~ ![]() Can u c the steamboat?
Yeah! Us and Emilia's sister, Emily's friends~ Ex-5s8 girls! Happy weekends!
Friday, March 27 @ 4:59 pm Hmmmm..... We were told that Miss Yau is going to view our blog... So im here to write something interesting... Hehe.... No short form for today...( after Miss Yau says we don't use proper english) Write 周记~~~~~~ 23/4 (Mon) Nothing interesting, no perhimpunan, got swimming...... 24/4 (Tues) Prisoner of Zenda! Remember! Zenda is a town which is located 50 miles away from Strelsau n Strelsau is the capital of Ruritania! Don't mix up! Haha! Sejarah lor...... Puan Lopez came in n talk about the elemen 3. Many of us did wrongly and had to redo everything! (I'm one of them) Music class!!!! "Lenggang lenggang Mak Limah~~ lenggang berlenggang~ Hai lenggang~ SA~~~~~~~~~~~YANG~~~~~~~~~~~" (funny lyrics) 25/3 (wednesday) Kerja Kayu~ Omg! (I haven't finish memaku my kayu! Sei Lor! Next week last day ar! I want die jor! When i tell Pn Cheah that i don't have a hammer in my house.... She doesn't believe wor! Ish lar!) Stay for music class lor~ Still singing that lenggang lenggang thingie, but add jor percussion... hehe! Quite cute! 26/4 (thursday) Erm, Cik Teh came in today.... Again, Many people have to redo their projects....(included me) Haiz~ Wasted soooooooooooo much ink on this project lar! Stupid! 27/4 (Friday) Hmmm, today actually Miss Choy want to give us see the video wan...... (act, i still dunno is wat kinda video, dun und why Vivian Wong is so interested in it) we thought that we have to pass up the GG folio today but Miss Teh threw out a sentence which made everyone of us looked like...................HUH?????WT? "No need pass up today! Pass up next week!" I was like........... { i did the project till 12something last night and u say no need pass up?"} Funny! ~The end~ Hereby paste on the homework list.... 1)English summary(workbook pg 9) 2)English work book test 2 3)Science exercise book(formative exercise) 4)作文 5)中楷 6) Nilam 7) Maths 3 These are the homeworks~ Gambateh! And add oil also in the Foliosssssssssss! Haha! Don't get fainted after doing the projects! Wahaha! Don't use more time chatting with friends through MSN instead of doing your projects quietly.... (Ya! I noe i always did that) And our choir girls are going for the competition at Sam Tet next tuesday! Wish us luck! Really need u guys' blessings! To the choir girls: Do rest well! (sleep at least 8 hours a day) Do drink more water! Do not touch any fried foods! Do not eat any ice creams! No cold drinks are allowed! Gambateh everyone! Have a nice weekend n remember monday is PJ!
Wednesday, March 18 @ 11:49 am 3p7 -- Please remember that we are having swimming lesson on Monday (23/3/09). Thx ya.. Enjoy your holidays..with lots of projects..haha -Joee-
Saturday, March 14 @ 11:04 am Yesterday, our beloved Chang Min asked us who want to take care of a kitten. I think she knows what the kitten says. How you know the cat don't want its baby? Anywhere, our beloved Wenjing took the kitten back. Cik Zakiah was scared of the cat. Haha. Accident always happened on Cik Zakiah's lesson. Who want to take over this blog, please take over. I don't know what you all want to be post? What blog skin of you all want? Every time I ask for suggestions but no one reply me. I was just like saying to myself. ='( And I tried to ask you all to come and have a look on this blog. Please leave a comment or any suggestions lah. Unless you are not free. Let this blog not to be dead. So, someone please take over this blog to let it not to be dead. p.s: I'm sorry if I said something wrong to you all. ='( -Xi Yee- Blogskin
Friday, March 6 @ 6:26 pm 3P7 girls, I'm changing the blogskin. What type of blogskin u all want? Let me know. I choose this first. Not yet finish editing the profile, tagboard, links and others. Send an offline instant message to me. Thanks a lot =D - Xi Yee -