You and I left our troubles far behind
troubles far behind


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Wednesday, April 8 @ 6:03 pm

Hello girls~
I am wondering if we can change our password to a more INTERETING wan?
Submit your ideas if u have any,
or we will discuss it in our next meeting~

Oh ya~!
Our blog has to be private if we want to post any PRIVATE THINGS~
But not everyone in our class can view our blog anymore provided they create a google account.....
So how?
Discuss in the next meeting oso lar~

There are many agenda for the next meeting so please prepare urself to attend the meeting~
Ur attire should be:
1) School uniform
2)NO slippers are allowed~
3)Must obey the school rules before u step into the meeting room(3P7 class)..

I noe im being lame n im writing lame things~

1) essay
2) sivik bentang! (grrrrrrrrrrrr~)
3) KH kerja kursus

I think tats all lar~ XD
It's April
Wednesday, April 1 @ 9:43 pm

First of all, Happy Birthday to our beloved Jin Yee!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Jin Yee,
Happy Birthday to you.

Stay healthy, cute and pretty!

Today's homework:

1. Literature
2. Maths
3. Sivik

Roughly is like that lah.
Sorry to you all because I don't write it out clearly. =x

Lastly, good night and nice dream!

-Xi Yee-