You and I left our troubles far behind
troubles far behind
Leaving of Kelly pang...
Friday, May 29 @ 3:13 pm Today, Friday...Today, 29 of May...Today, the day before miss yau's birthday on 30 May.We celebrate together with cakes and presents...Today...All of you, remember this day... Cause today is the day our kelly Pang leave us...KELLY PANG HUI MUN!!!!!!!!! u really leave us... we sad....she left 3P7......she left MUSIC CLASS....she left AMC!!!!she left IPOH!!!how can!?n now 3P7 becomes 39 not a complete class......sad....really get sad......we cannot BOOing LAUGHing SCOLDing other people,MAKing NOISE together anymore.........NO MORE M LEG......NO MORE 成功女士......NO MORE举重女士......NO MORE LAU WAI XIAN......NO MORE REMINDER TO PASS UP 中楷ON THURSDAY.....NO MORE come u so CRUEL.?!leaving us here.....We held a small farewell party for her. We are suppose to happy and wish u all the best. But, we failed to do so. Hot tears rolling down.... We are crying....When we study Pn. Lim chinese idioms '劝君更敬一杯酒,西出阳光无故人'....we feel sad....We sang ' you raise me up'... We sang your favourite song 擦肩而过..... We sang 朋友.....Our eyes are RED!!! we are crying...Do you know that we are classmates, friends even sisters for 2 and a half years??We are just like a family...we wont forget u!!! remember!!! awez on9 when u free n share ur happiness , sadness and anger wif us... we are 3p7, music family......we will miss u always n forever.........FRIENDSHIP FOR EVER.... WE LOVE YOU FOR EVER.... tips on how to MENGEMBANGKAN DADA...and kelly pong topic...
Monday, May 25 @ 4:24 pm Such a nice day today is. Ya, it is really a nice and good day for us cause it is Monday. Do u all realise that today assembly is over earlier than before? Do u realise that our Monday is passing the fastest among the 7 days? Ya... so it is for today... Just feel that our class is filled with news that we can talk about. For example: During PJ, we all didn't go down for PJ cause all of us know that Pn. Chan will give back our PJ test paper.So, just for this reason we all was punished by Pn. Chan... It is not a simple punishment... just GUESS... Not Demerit;Not doing spa under sun;Not running the whole round of field;Not scolding us... BUT, is....PUNISH US STANDING ON OUR CHAIRS AND DO OUR STRETCHING!!! such a interesting punishment... m i right?(dont follow mis yau style)BUT, it really dangerous! Can u imagine our small sister (小姐)--SinLoo is careless and fell down from 1st- floor-window... TERRIBLE!!! Nevermind cause it seem we are enjoying ourselves and our sin loo didn't fell down... Next, (remember our PJ is not over yet) Pn Chan wants us to raise our hand for her to calculate the amount of students right for each questions. It is tired if the student gets all correct. So we raise our hands on table...(imagine yourself)... and this moment, Pn Chan says something and we raise BOTH hands high and up...ESPECIALLY LEE VOON WOOI... are some tips for some of you...she says :"WHEN U RAISE YOUR HANDS HIGH AND UP, YOU CAN MENGEMBANGKAN & MENEGAKKAN & MEMBESARKAN DADA ANDA...." " don't just raise one hand only if not your breast will become one big one small..." thats why voon wooi raise her hands high and up almost every questions...funny right?? just like this...
--jinyee-- Blog Poll matters.
Thursday, May 21 @ 9:22 pm I've appear from nowhere again..hehe~ Okay..I've a purpose actually. I've deleted that previous blog poll because I'm afraid that it outcomes sensitivity from anyone and it's quite a sensitive topic. It's also for our sake in case any teacher drop by at our blog. So do you guys want to know the result? But I bet most of you know it, unless you want to post it up.. So..enjoy the new polls with new topics.. Yours, Karmun. Another Topic today---American idol
@ 7:04 pm Well, so far today is good...During BM, we mark our answer with NOISE and sound like we are in a roller coaster... "Yea-------wuuuuuuuu--------no-------------wa--------------" Funny right? and our cik Zakiah just CURIOUS how can we make such this sound... Den Cik Zakiah will say 'INGAT SAMPAI MATI" which made us burst into laughing because we found out this "CIK ZAKIAH IDIOMS" is funny!! ![]() CIK ZAKIAH WITH HER IDIOMS...... Den is time for us to go to science lab... Here, we know that cik choy supports DANNY GOKEY in American Idol. And More SELF LOVING... ![]() ACTUALLY CIK CHOY DIN HAVE SUCH BIG MIRROR...BUT I HAVE TO DRAW LIKE THAT TO SHOW HOW SELF LOVING SHE IS!!!! While having Geography, an unbelieveable and happy news : ZU HUEI who dislike to comb hair score the HIGHEST marks 95% in our class... Once Miss Teh announce that, applause and cheer was heard non stop....Miss Teh was shock see how active we are....Another WOW is>>> our Tracy the La get 90% for her Geography too. I already told her that she will probably score A but she don't believe... Take Pui Shan as an example... 3P7 whole class will score A ... and last WOW... Joee and I get no 1 wrong...(dun tell miss Teh)... hehe...Really BORING during the class.... cause Miss Teh keep on saying:'ALL COMMON SENSE!! NO NEED TO READ ALSO CAN SCORE!!!!!!! SO EASY!!!!!!! AIYA, I CLOSE MY EYE ALSO CAN DO!!!!!!!' wow, miss Teh you so "GENG" la..... ![]() MISS TEH WITH HER SPOILED HAIR AND NEW SPECTACLES MENTIONING GEOGRAPHY IS ONLY COMMON SENSE... And today our another topic is about our AMERICAN IDOL!!!!! (1) KRIS ALLEN ------- Julia Teh' Idol (2)ADAM LAMBERT-------Mei Ai' idol (3)DANNY GOKEY -------- Cik Choy's idol Here, Just want to tell meiai that don't argue to vote for ADAm again.... cause it is TrUe that KRIS is CHAMPION!!!!!! so stop your nonsense... Common Sense
@ 2:57 pm "Girls, Geography no need hafal one. Common sense what. bla and bla and bla." So, we must use our common sense to get A for Geography. Anywhere, work hard together =) Jin Yee, come out with more pictures. Haha. Reminder: All 3P7 people must link this lovely blog. - Xi Yee -
Day is not over yet...
Wednesday, May 20 @ 3:58 pm 3P7, did u realize that after exam our study life become so STRANGE and UNFAMILIAR. Did u realize during exam all of us are study hard without chit chatting but today, after exam we are TOO FREE and talking here and there, walking here and there, playing here and there… That’s right! It is our normal lifestyle for 3P7 MUSIC CLASS. BUT… Something is waiting for us after exam. OUR RESULT! Yea, SCARY RESULT! Agree? 1st, KH… While we are marking, hands are trembling, heart is jumping…DUP DAP DUP DAP… Just scared that we will fail our KH… More girls score A this time and many girls improve fast and score Pn Cheah’s target… I score an A too but I felt sad to see my friends were disappointed although they are pretending happy. Voon Wooi , is okay although u did not score Pn. Cheah’s target because u are the one who improve THE MOST. Keep on your hardwork u will gain good result. Cheryl, is pity that u nearly score A. You are really sad but nevermind because u hit your target, u try your best… And many of us still weak at perdagangan. Again, NEVERMIND! I know Pn Cheah is willing to help and guide us if we willing to study. DON’T GIVE UP!!!! English… Seem that everybody is sad and unsatisfied your own score. We seem to have a BAD mood and tired during the class. We tried to forget about what we face just now and went for our recess. Yup… We just change our topic to teachers and avoid talking about our result. Shorty: Pn Azizah…
Pn Lim: 你有本钱玩吗?… Palalalogram,detal,metal pin:Pn Chong…Our last year form teacher. Still remember she always say ‘ I m soli to tell u that…. For sure will come out…for sure…FOR SURE…’ Miss Yau: ei where m I now a? Pui Shan, m I right? Cik Zakiah: Ingat sampai matinya… SELF LOVING Cik Choy: aiyo, many leng zai want me when I m young… I very pretty de… Pn Teh: Miss Teh: Geografi very easy one. All common sense what? U all hafal sure get A la…COMMON SENSE… Updated
Tuesday, May 19 @ 10:24 pm Since some of the girls said the previous one is dull and not random whatever, so I decided to change the blogskin to this. Comment please. We are having a plan on this Saturday. Morning: Polo ground After that, kopitiam Then, Jusco Kbox Night, dinner Jun Yi suggested that. Comment huh. *3P7 people must link this blog* -Xi Yee-
During EXAM>>>
@ 8:12 pm Really little things and news about us in our blog so i decide to write something on it.PHEW! THANKS GOD! 1 week's and 2 days' MID YEAR EXAM finally past.Today is the last day! excited? happy? relax? Still remember... The days pass silently.Tomorrow(x3),Creep in this petty pace from day to day...(hey, dun simply use Life Brief Candles la) PM with our nilai murni and our beloved PRISONER of ZENDA...Our lovely TENG JO EE had written the English essay in story form and many of us did not read the question carefully then >>> we wrote our letter for a GIRL!!! Oh My GOD!!! THe one who wrote like that preparing to apologize to miss yau...but miss yau will say:" IS TO LATE TO APOLOGIZE***IS TO LATE..." DEATH !!! SEJ and GEO!!! GUSH!!! u can found out that that day is EXTREMELY QUIET...Everyone is STUDY n STUDY n STUDY... NON STOP... Rentap,PKM,Malayan Union,SBUB,James Brooke,Jepun,Propaganda,UMNO,Parti Perikatan,MCA and so on. Banjaran,Sungai,FELDA,Kerteh,Bintulu,Port Dickson,Miri,Lutong,Cameron Highlands... and all is just like our miss teh say SEMUALAH COMMEN SENSE! TAK PAYAH BACA! COMMEN SENSE...yes, all is commen sense... so many of us just LOOK THROUGH our books...izit? so, miss teh, we cannot say 100% scoreA la... u have to have heart preparing la.. Then, the WOW is our HOW MEI AI and TENG JO EE used our BELOVED MISS YAU as main character in BC essay.HMA wrote: i receive the news and details about miss yau from our chinese teacher(PN LIM) (GEIK SEI pn lim lo). TJE with her imagination wrote:miss yau chinese name miss YAU YOKE KUAN=瑶玉君(joee, be careful when miss yau know it if her name is wrong).YAMKONG loh!!!3p7 would like to thanks Cheryl for open the topic about one chinese idioms '风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还' during our BC paper 1.Actually this idioms is means our soldiers protect our country... But, we use it to describe that 3p7 girls who stay outside the classroom did not come in before exam to read the last fews lines words last minutes (VOCABULARY:last minutes also can written as at the eleventh hour...pls learn it if u want to improve your english) really壮士一去兮不复还 leh...Pn.lim say we are 苦中作乐...Once we open the test paper, everyone SMILE...WAH! the idioms is one of the question...thats why we have to thanks cheryl for reminding us. On Friday which is the day for us to relax cause the subjects is music and PJ. Almost all of us did not read. On the other hand, we leart to look our palms to forsee our future...Through our palms, we can know about our mate,our love,our life.. Loo Loo is Professer,go and see her if u want to know your future... Lastly, we,the whole 3p7 to see 'people who help u know ur future' after our PMR...Such a good idea right?? Then we change our topic to 'how to refill the FABER CASTELL highlighter'.We try to find the place for refill but we FAILED and Cheryl was called by miss yau to study and not to play the highlighter. Before KH and BM1, we celebrate our Teachers' Day but Miss Yau refuse to come down although we ask to.So, we cant shout out her name during the celebration. We found out that this celebration is not so excited because it had taken our precious study exam time.KH: pemborong,gudang,akaun ambilan,akaun aset,paip,pokok,tanaman,mesin jahit,playar gabung,gegelung anker,magnet kekal,perintang,kapasitor,IC555,bumi,picu....... our brain BURST!!! contain with this LOTS of such things. LASt day>>> Today SN and MM2... ALmost finish our exam... SN: fallopian tube,pistil,stigma,anther,uterus,lungs,vitamins,oxyhaemoglobin,vein,artery..... TOO MANY!!! how??? cant memorise.... MM somemore. HOWMEI AI keep scolding our p.n.t.e.h for saying her simply do... din do well... Whatever... cause it is past... Every thing PAST! Still remember... Miss Yau always ask'Zu Huei did u comb your hair??? You have mirror at home? Lousy hair. Look so untidy la.' This gave us an idea to give ZuHuei a big comb and mirror as her birthday presents. Still remember our hardwork during this exam... Everybody just like TURN OVER A NEW LEAF (do not ask what is this idioms a... cz it comes out in our english paper2)... study and study and study... read and read and read... ask and ask and ask...discuss and discuss and discuss... Just to hope we can get GOOD RESULT for ourselves...for miss yau...for teachers...for parents... To prove that we are trying our BEST to do it... They cannot see our efforts... NEVERMIND! we know it... and we will go through it together... 3P7!!! ADD OiL!!! Love>> jinyee Blog Polls
Saturday, May 16 @ 12:06 pm 3P7 girls: I've been thinking about putting a blog poll in our blog.. Mind? If you don't like it ,kindly tell me =] Thanks. And if you don't mind just vote.. Kay? Ps. I'm not sure the spelling are correct. With lovex and Hugx, ~Kar Mun~ =] *smile* Sunday, May 10 @ 7:10 pm Ello? This blog is so gonna be a place where spiders stay! No one took the trouble to write a few words! This is soon gonna be Cheryl's second blog~ Hergh! Okay people! Listen~ Exam is coming.... so......good luck girls! Anyway, I do think everyone of us have prepared well....So no worries! This is such a BIG OPPORTUNITY for us to show Miss Yau and others teachers what we've got! Show them! 3P7! Throughout these few weeks.... I saw a lot of hardworks and efforts........... When everyone is striving their best to reach perfections.... I do see something... Differences between 2P7(2008) and 3P7(2009)... Its obvious anyway.... It doesn't matter whether it's Miss Yau who changes everything.... or our family... or our friends....or whoever... It doesn't matter! The most important thing is..... 3P7 is UNITED.... Every single member of it is striving.... Hard! To reach the same aim! So, don't give a lot of stress to yourselves! Just relax girls! As long as you've already tried your best, Theres nothing to be afraid of... Its not like the end of the day right? I understand that crying is the best way to release our stress~ A lot of tears were around me recently.. Its not surprising though, Because we have exceeded our limits..... As long as after you 've cried your heart out..... STAND FIRM and continue your journey again! Its not the end of the day! So........ Julia Teh! Teressa La! Fei Tan!(And girls who have cried before)! I don't want to see u girls cry anymore! No more tears! Promise? Lastly, Gambateh 3P7! Wish all of you and myself all the best! ^^ Love, Cheryl~